Thursday, August 21, 2008

Aloha all!
Even though Im still feeling really unwell I have been surfing around the net and found some amazing inspriation these last couple of days. I just havent had the energy to actually do anything. Honestly sometimes I get just as much joy looking at everyones work that I 'forget' to do my own!! And when I do get down to business I feel like I have been away for ages and have so many ideas swirling its hard to stick to just one. This normally results in my attempt at a card turning to poo and then my returning to the net for further inspriation!
So we'll see how we'll go this time!

I have been an avid watcher of Kristina's MACM (she has some wonderful talent and makes it all look so easy! You can find 'Make A Card Monday' here there are heaps to choose from!) Anyway i stumbled across a couple of other You Tube channels which have 'similar' videos and also heaps of inspriation. Dawn's are fab and she mostly concentrates on Stampin Up! which I LOVE at the moment! (you can find her here SO...there is a point.. I watched her 'Sour Cream Container -Tutorial' and OMG!!! HOW CUTE IS THIS!!
So it was the inspriation I needed. I jumped off the net (shock horror!) and made this thing in like 20secs flat! I have this idea now of making HEAPS for christmas time etc..Jump onto her you tube and check it out. It really was SO easy and took no time at all.

what do you think?

Jenn xxx

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